Jørgen Skogmo
Jørgen Skogmo is a guitarist and theorbo player from Ekne near Trondheim, and now based in Levanger, Norway.
He is performing extensively, and to date he has given performances in such prestigious venues such as the Wigmore Hall, Queen Elizabeth Hall, Purcell Room, Royal Opera House and, as part of the BBC Proms, the Royal Albert Hall. Dette skriver internasjonale musikkanmeldere om Jørgen: "Jørgen Skogmo is such a refined and sensitive player." European Guitar Teachers Association, annual conference 2007 "Jørgen Skogmo gave us a thrilling recital of brilliance and sophistication. It is rare to hear Henze's Drei Tentos at all, let alone so well performed as it was at Morley. Jørgen can conjure the most dazzeling technical wizardry and produce the most sublime pianissimo; here is a guitar player destined for greatness." Classical Guitar Magazine 2007 Jørgen Skogmo was born in Norway in 1982 and is a graduate of the Guildhall School of Music & Drama (2006). As a solo guitarist, Jørgen has achieved considerable success, winning a number of prestigious international competitions including the Admira Young Guitarist of the Year and the Ivor Mairants International Guitar Competition. Additionally, he was prize winner of the 'Premio del Publico' in the Certamen Internacional de Guitarra Classica 'Francisco Tarrega' competition. As a continuo player on theorbo Jørgen has performed with the Gabrieli Consort and Players, BBC Philharmonic, King's Consort, The Sixteen, Florilegium, London Handel Orchestra, Ex Cathedra, Northern Sinfonia, English Touring Opera, Scottish Chamber Orchestra, Charivari Agréable and I Fagiolini. |
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He has also played for English National Opera, Glyndebourne Opera and the Teatro Real (Madrid). Jørgen has accompanied Placido Domingo and has appeared on British and Norwegian television and performed at the Proms. As a mandolinist, he has recorded with the Philharmonia Orchestra for EMI and appeared as soloist with the Ulster Orchestra directed by Roy Goodman. Jørgen har studert klassisk gitar og teorbe (en slags lutt) ved Guildhall School of Music & Drama i London. Han har opptrådt på norsk og britisk radio og TV og spilt på flere internasjonale konsertarenaer, som Londons Wigmore Hall og Purcell Room, og – under BBCs Promenadekonserter – i Royal Albert Hall. Han har en rekke ganger vært engasjert ved English National Opera i London og ved Teatro Real i Madrid, der han har akkompagnert operastjerner som Placido Domingo. Jørgen har vunnet flere internasjonale konkurranser og priser, og gav i 2013 ut sin første solo-CD, Intermesso. I løpet av studieårene etablerte han og Jens Franke gitarduoen Diabelli Duo som turnerte i Storbritannia og Tyskland. Duoen vant blant annet Portallion Camber Music Prize. Levanger ph: +47 90192425 [email protected] |